Our smart beta, multi-factor ETFs utilize value and momentumValue and Momentum
The combination of these two factors suggest a stock is undervalued, but its price performance is on the rise.Value indicates how attractively a stock is priced relative to its fundamentals, such as book value and free cash flow.Momentum indicates whether changes in a company's share price are trending up or down.
which often tend to exhibit lower levels of correlation. The equity ETFs seek to provide investment results that closely correspond, before fees and expenses, to the performance of each of the fund’s index.

Symbol Name
ULVM USAA MSCI USA Value Momentum Blend Index ETF View Details
USVM USAA MSCI USA Small Cap Value Momentum Blend Index ETF View Details
UIVM USAA MSCI International Value Momentum Blend Index ETF View Details
UEVM USAA MSCI Emerging Markets Value Momentum Blend Index ETF View Details



Our fixed income ETFs are built on our fixed income asset management experience.

Symbol Name
UITB USAA Core Intermediate-Term Bond ETF View Details
USTB USAA Core Short-Term Bond ETF View Details

Consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses and other information of the USAA ETFs, available in each ETF's prospectus, carefully before investing. Download a prospectus containing this and other information about the funds from USAA Investment Management Company, Distributor. Read it carefully before investing. The information provided does not constitute a recommendation of any investment strategy or product for a particular investor and should not be considered advice given in a fiduciary capacity, including within the meaning of ERISA. Investors should consult a financial advisor/financial consultant before making any investment decisions.